TD Ameritrade

Est-ce que TD Ameritrade a des problèmes?

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TD Ameritrade est un courtier qui offre une plateforme de négociation électronique pour le commerce d'actifs financiers, y compris les actions ordinaires, les actions privilégiées, les contrats à terme, les fonds négociés en bourse, les options, la crypto-monnaie, les fonds communs de placement et les placements à revenu fixe.

Problèmes au cours des dernières 24 heures

Le graphique suivant montre le nombre de rapports que nous avons reçus sur TD Ameritrade par heure de la journée au cours des dernières 24 heures. Une panne est déterminée lorsque le nombre de rapports est supérieur à la ligne de base, représentée par la ligne rouge.

TD Ameritrade Graphique d'interruption 03/26/2025 06:30

Pour le moment, nous n'avons détecté aucun problème sur TD Ameritrade. Rencontrez-vous des problèmes ou une panne? Laissez un message dans les commentaires.

Problèmes les plus rapportés

Voici les problèmes les plus récents signalés par les utilisateurs de TD Ameritrade via notre site Web.

  1. Login (60%)

    Login (60%)

  2. Website (20%)

    Website (20%)

  3. Plateforme d'échanges (20%)

    Plateforme d'échanges (20%)

Carte en direct des pannes

Les derniers rapports et problèmes d'interruption proviennent

Chargement de la carte, veuillez patienter...
City Problem Type Report Time
United StatesMilwaukee Website
United StatesOlney Website
United StatesNew Braunfels Plateforme d'échanges
United StatesRadcliff Login
United StatesHouston Login
United StatesMiami Beach Login
Map Carte de panne complète

Discussion communautaire

Conseils? Frustrations? Partagez-le ici. Les commentaires utiles comprennent une description du problème, la ville et le code postal.

Méfiez-vous des "numéros d'assistance" ou des comptes de "récupération" qui pourraient être affichés ci-dessous. Assurez-vous de signaler et de voter contre ces commentaires. Évitez de publier vos informations personnelles.

TD Ameritrade Rapports de Problèmes

Dernières pannes, problèmes et rapports de problèmes dans les médias sociaux:

  • gonzostocks gonzostocks (@gonzostocks) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade Everyone bail on TD **** this **** company!!!! Hold the line!!!!!

  • delaaxe delaaxe (@delaaxe) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade Ortex says short float went down from yesterday's 95% to 85%

  • natelaux Nate (@natelaux) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade Something systemically wrong with the options trading? Get ******** out of here. Why can’t the media tell it how it really is? Can’t trust anything anymore.

  • jettajones Bridgett Davis (@jettajones) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade Please let me know how I contribute to help with legal fund. I plan to move my money out TDAmeritrade

  • Pe4enie1 Pe4enie (@Pe4enie1) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade 100 shares initially turns into 300 long, 200 short if the efficiency of borrowing the shares is 100% and the long holders stay long What we see here is both feasible and legal. Customer B is allowed to sell short as long as he secures a loan from A’s broker.

  • dallashall100 dallas hall (@dallashall100) a signalé

    @SpacGuru @TDAmeritrade Had the same problem. Do you have anything on margin?

  • JohnGaulin1 John Gaulin (@JohnGaulin1) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade TD locked me out of my account for 45 mins after trading started. They said it was a password issue at the user end but I was on they account trying to exe a trade when it happened. This BS must stop! $GME $BB $AMC 🚀🚀🚀

  • SuSamur23398193 SuSamuru (@SuSamur23398193) a signalé


  • InvSimplified Investing Simplified (@InvSimplified) a signalé

    @AverygraceMoore @SpacGuru @TDAmeritrade WeBull has been the only consistent platform I’ve been able to use this week. Couple people I know have had some issues with them as well.

  • Conch6thuf Roland Lennox (@Conch6thuf) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade Site was real slow to load this morning

  • DumaYodi wsbtard #1 (@DumaYodi) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade WTF......these goons are going to drive even more people to participate in this.

  • kyle42137108 kyle (@kyle42137108) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade I saw we all sue @adenatfriedman and any other idiot who only looks out for crooks. If they screw people on this they will have an actual crisis. **** the big banks

  • LordElonStonks Elon Musk Stonks 🚀🌕 (@LordElonStonks) a signalé

    @stonkeykong3 @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade Not bad but I’m sticking with Nokia $nok good luck sir 🚀

  • PampDamp PampAndDamp (@PampDamp) a signalé

    @KevTwine86 @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade Also, isn’t it more about making sure it doesn’t go down? I’m a noob at this obviously. If people just hold their positions as it is, we can still do damage?

  • craigri89327923 craig ritchie (@craigri89327923) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade 250%! so they doubled down? I told my buddy to go long and he thinks that's stupid and went short lol There restricting retail all over the world and doubled down on there short. Market manipulation at its finest. Today is there last stand!

  • thestacklife Ryan Stack (@thestacklife) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade Another move for us all is #dogecoin. Already up a gazzilion dollars overnight. This is my move if they try to slow our stock buying

  • SpacGuru **** Guru (@SpacGuru) a signalé

    @VictorBAMF @TDAmeritrade Huh. Wtf would I lie and have numerous others say the same thing. Go away.

  • ittibittikitti 甜埃玛 the 3rd 🌙 (@ittibittikitti) a signalé

    @wsbmod @reddittrading @TDAmeritrade Take them all down

  • RichGebbia Rich Gebbia (@RichGebbia) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade All you care about is protecting your fellow institutions, that’s why you placed restrictions on trades. You’re just as bad as them

  • dswanson_bsee UTMINER (@dswanson_bsee) a signalé

    @treyking @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade They said they could force the trade. The issue was this came well after market close, at the time of the request it was manageable with AMC in the low teens. Called and was placed on hold for over 10 mins. SCREW TD.

  • Pe4enie1 Pe4enie (@Pe4enie1) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade Once customer C’s broker receives delivery from B’s sales, he doesn’t know if those were borrowed or sold outright. C’s broker can then re-lend them to D’s broker so he can sell short. And the chain can theoretically continue.

  • Hellbent_727 Tony (@Hellbent_727) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade Pick one brokerage, just one and short them down to pennies. Send a message!

  • autist_wsb WSB Autist (@autist_wsb) a signalé

    @KevTwine86 @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade But they Def won't fix their **** serverd

  • illeniumBitcoin Greg L (@illeniumBitcoin) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade Wtf tda sucks.

  • internethellos (@internethellos) a signalé

    @BillieSpackman @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade May even be better in the long run. Let people know just how rigged this stupid game is.

  • dswanson_bsee UTMINER (@dswanson_bsee) a signalé

    @treyking @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade These asshats need to realize I know WTF I’m doing. Stop placing these stupid restrictions on accounts, I’m not a ******* child.

  • trailnymph Brian Wallace (@trailnymph) a signalé

    @wsbmod @AndrewJ74247967 @TDAmeritrade I tried to get in at $11 but TD was down, ( couldn’t login ) $15 I think is still ok though.

  • TeslakatMusic ⚡Teslakat ⚡ (@TeslakatMusic) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade To be clear, this means they aren't going to lend options to people on those stocks which kinda makes sense because they know a lot of people are going to be losing a lot of money on this game. You should still be able to pay cash for a share without any issues.

  • InvestingGreg Greg (@InvestingGreg) a signalé

    @SpacGuru @TDAmeritrade My PSAC wouldn’t fill this morning despite having the ask drop significantly below by bid. Good and bad.

  • Reinsurance19 Re-insurance (@Reinsurance19) a signalé

    @wsbmod @TDAmeritrade Prevnt people buying, Only thing they can do is sell, shorts win. **** this corruption