TD Ameritrade

Est-ce que TD Ameritrade a des problèmes?

Aucun problème détecté

Si vous rencontrez des problèmes, veuillez soumettre un rapport ci-dessous.

TD Ameritrade est un courtier qui offre une plateforme de négociation électronique pour le commerce d'actifs financiers, y compris les actions ordinaires, les actions privilégiées, les contrats à terme, les fonds négociés en bourse, les options, la crypto-monnaie, les fonds communs de placement et les placements à revenu fixe.

Problèmes au cours des dernières 24 heures

Le graphique suivant montre le nombre de rapports que nous avons reçus sur TD Ameritrade par heure de la journée au cours des dernières 24 heures. Une panne est déterminée lorsque le nombre de rapports est supérieur à la ligne de base, représentée par la ligne rouge.

TD Ameritrade Graphique d'interruption 07/26/2024 20:30

Pour le moment, nous n'avons détecté aucun problème sur TD Ameritrade. Rencontrez-vous des problèmes ou une panne? Laissez un message dans les commentaires.

Problèmes les plus rapportés

Voici les problèmes les plus récents signalés par les utilisateurs de TD Ameritrade via notre site Web.

  1. Login (62%)

    Login (62%)

  2. Plateforme d'échanges (28%)

    Plateforme d'échanges (28%)

  3. Website (10%)

    Website (10%)

Carte en direct des pannes

Les derniers rapports et problèmes d'interruption proviennent

Chargement de la carte, veuillez patienter...
City Problem Type Report Time
United StatesBrooklyn Website
United StatesHigh Point Plateforme d'échanges
United StatesYoungstown Website
United StatesFort Worth Plateforme d'échanges
United StatesOklahoma City Plateforme d'échanges
United StatesBoardman Plateforme d'échanges
Map Carte de panne complète

Discussion communautaire

Conseils? Frustrations? Partagez-le ici. Les commentaires utiles comprennent une description du problème, la ville et le code postal.

Méfiez-vous des "numéros d'assistance" ou des comptes de "récupération" qui pourraient être affichés ci-dessous. Assurez-vous de signaler et de voter contre ces commentaires. Évitez de publier vos informations personnelles.

TD Ameritrade Rapports de Problèmes

Dernières pannes, problèmes et rapports de problèmes dans les médias sociaux:

  • zolotova_co christina zolotova (@zolotova_co) a signalé

    FINALLY back in.. Over an hour later.. @TDAmeritrade this is one too many times. Which brokerage DIDN’T go down today? Put your referral code in the comments or DM - looking to diversify.💰 $amc $gme $clii $nndm

  • zolotova_co christina zolotova (@zolotova_co) a signalé

    @NotRealBoeheim @TDAmeritrade I’ve seen mixed feedback on it, but seems like more accounts were ok vs down there than any other brokerage. Thanks!

  • DAM_World_ DAM (@DAM_World_) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade being down isn’t a tech issue it’s an old money issue. So much money being lost right now. What a joke.

  • crackerwcheese L (@crackerwcheese) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade **** you you useless pieces of ****

  • zolotova_co christina zolotova (@zolotova_co) a signalé

    @Stephacadabra @TDAmeritrade I’ve seen mixed feedback on it, but seems like more accounts were ok vs down there than any other brokerage. Thanks!

  • jjstamat john stamat (@jjstamat) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade This has been ongoing, particularly on days when there is volatility. Since you cannot be reached by telephone, I've submitted a complaint to the SEC.

  • JayDidder Jason C. Hilliard (@JayDidder) a signalé

    @CharlesSchwab I guess there's a reason for the purchase of @TDAmeritrade. Your trading software and systems are awful. How many times can your systems go down when people need it most? Incredible... I hope this mess doesn't bleed into @TDAmeritrade.

  • Amzking420 Don Dadda (@Amzking420) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade Guys I'm sorry but you have billions of dollars going through your platform and you can't ensure that you have enough server/cloud power to keep it up during high volumes of trading? You know very well that a second can make the whole difference..

  • vape_charli Bandwagon_Kid (@vape_charli) a signalé

    **** you @TDAmeritrade why is your default settings to buy limit not market. god you ******* suck

  • stockcentral1 stockcentral (@stockcentral1) a signalé

    it's 11am and @TDAmeritrade still hasn't fixed their app. What kind of service is this?

  • Solomon_Slate Jay Johnston (@Solomon_Slate) a signalé

    If you are trading with @thinkorswim or @TDAmeritrade today good luck. Lots of issues. I'm guess I'm stuck holding positions,

  • rainabba human, learner, resistor (@rainabba) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade I am a #DevOps engineer. You can take your platitudes elsewhere. One of my alerts is what took me to the app and I was unable to take action. This is the second time in as many months as I've seen this happen and it is 100% unacceptable given the service you provide.

  • chrisgonz12692 Chris (@chrisgonz12692) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade Plz people stop calling about the website issues

  • Traderboi4 Trader Boi (@Traderboi4) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade how is your dog **** paid to trade platform down when RH is free and is up and running

  • JeffyYGG JeffyD (@JeffyYGG) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade My order won't fill, is this due to server issues?

  • joshua_5755 Joshua Meach (@joshua_5755) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade @thinkorswim The quote on ThinkorSwin mobile app is not accurate and slow?????

  • CloversNCrosses CloversNCrosses (@CloversNCrosses) a signalé

    @ratchetryan_ @TDAmeritrade I’ve been on hold for over an hour listening to some@kind of stupid chime music. Billion dollar company and they can’t even hire Billy Joel for their hold music

  • novajarian ariGOLD (@novajarian) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade get it together and fix your brokerage please

  • syedahusain Syed A. Husain (@syedahusain) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade Website login still down. Where 2FA via mobile?

  • RM_EliteTrades RM_EliteTrades (@RM_EliteTrades) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade I think it still broken 😞

  • AznMurica Henry Liu (@AznMurica) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade you ****** a lot of people over today with that down system. I missed out on a lot of money due to not being able to buy in.

  • anishduttasmm Anish Dutta (@anishduttasmm) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade @thinkorswim Did Citadel say to not let people buy $GME? Why yall having problems? I thought its a normal day in the market, same old day where retail investors are voiceless? Get scared, big time citadel. Call the new york Fed for a bailout. Youll need it.

  • srcbrain Brooce (@srcbrain) a signalé

    @masonhellercm @TDAmeritrade Same issue.

  • recinvestor Michael (@recinvestor) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade No you’re not sorry. This is the same thing you said last time, and the time before that, and the time before that, and...well, you get the idea. Fix the mobile app so it can handle the traffic and stop making apologies over and over!!

  • thinking18 Dan S (@thinking18) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade Dammit this cost me. BTW I had no problems trading in my Tastyworks account.

  • ratchetryan_ ryan houston (@ratchetryan_) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade But clearly not the website because we still all need security questions to log in, i cant use the text to login feature

  • AveryTheTrader AEB (@AveryTheTrader) a signalé

    @jsmithxc11 Jump on your computer boss. mobile app is/was down according to @TDAmeritrade

  • vickynutran Maylamchieu (@vickynutran) a signalé

    @RM_EliteTrades @TDAmeritrade They shut me down

  • HerbertRTarlicJ Herbert R Tarlic Jr (@HerbertRTarlicJ) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade Scary to think how frequently you would have problems with the platform if you did not take it so seriously.

  • southerntrader7 Southern Trader (@southerntrader7) a signalé

    @RunAwayInvestor @TDAmeritrade Yes, but was down on my phone, then up on my pc.