TD Ameritrade

Est-ce que TD Ameritrade a des problèmes?

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TD Ameritrade est un courtier qui offre une plateforme de négociation électronique pour le commerce d'actifs financiers, y compris les actions ordinaires, les actions privilégiées, les contrats à terme, les fonds négociés en bourse, les options, la crypto-monnaie, les fonds communs de placement et les placements à revenu fixe.

Problèmes au cours des dernières 24 heures

Le graphique suivant montre le nombre de rapports que nous avons reçus sur TD Ameritrade par heure de la journée au cours des dernières 24 heures. Une panne est déterminée lorsque le nombre de rapports est supérieur à la ligne de base, représentée par la ligne rouge.

TD Ameritrade Graphique d'interruption 02/20/2025 19:25

Pour le moment, nous n'avons détecté aucun problème sur TD Ameritrade. Rencontrez-vous des problèmes ou une panne? Laissez un message dans les commentaires.

Problèmes les plus rapportés

Voici les problèmes les plus récents signalés par les utilisateurs de TD Ameritrade via notre site Web.

  1. Login (73%)

    Login (73%)

  2. Plateforme d'échanges (27%)

    Plateforme d'échanges (27%)

Carte en direct des pannes

Les derniers rapports et problèmes d'interruption proviennent

Chargement de la carte, veuillez patienter...
City Problem Type Report Time
United StatesRadcliff Login
United StatesHouston Login
United StatesMiami Beach Login
United StatesColumbus Plateforme d'échanges
United StatesPainesville Login
United StatesColumbus Login
Map Carte de panne complète

Discussion communautaire

Conseils? Frustrations? Partagez-le ici. Les commentaires utiles comprennent une description du problème, la ville et le code postal.

Méfiez-vous des "numéros d'assistance" ou des comptes de "récupération" qui pourraient être affichés ci-dessous. Assurez-vous de signaler et de voter contre ces commentaires. Évitez de publier vos informations personnelles.

TD Ameritrade Rapports de Problèmes

Dernières pannes, problèmes et rapports de problèmes dans les médias sociaux:

  • Kdegner1984 Coryde (@Kdegner1984) a signalé


  • CocoPenel Coco Penel (@CocoPenel) a signalé

    @AOC @TDAmeritrade cancelled several orders. People can NOT buy $HCMC. Please check Ameritrade and help us. #FRAUD. $HCMC had 23Billion vol but at 9:50am it hit 0.00018 and never moved again.

  • lizzygracenyc liz montgomery ✨ (@lizzygracenyc) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade why can’t I sell my $SPCE when it’s up? It’s going down and down but my order won’t go through. 40min wait time to call you. That’s not suspicious #stonks #tdameritrade

  • technickelnet technickelnet (@technickelnet) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade Several users unable to login due to: Unable to authorize access. Please try again. Your password is case sensitive and is from 8-64 characters, with at least one letter and one number. 90 minute wait for support on phone, and the chatbot is useless. Advice?

  • Kdegner1984 Coryde (@Kdegner1984) a signalé

    @RobBerr52189008 @honsauce Not working $hcmc @TDAmeritrade

  • Kdegner1984 Coryde (@Kdegner1984) a signalé

    So wtf happens if $hcmc goes to $1 and we can’t sell our shares? WTF!!!!!!! @TDAmeritrade

  • InstructorDlm Instructor_DLM 🇩🇴🇷🇴🇺🇸 (@InstructorDlm) a signalé

    @ADumIdea @TDAmeritrade Switch to E*TRADE. Slow sometimes but have yet to see any restrictions on my trades.

  • Chris50943316 Chris (@Chris50943316) a signalé

    @SEC_Enforcement @TDAmeritrade will not allow me to buy/sell my stock in HCMC. This is unacceptable. I can potentially loose a lot of money. Please help. Thank you

  • GayPropGames GaymerPropaganda (@GayPropGames) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade are you down cause i cant log in on any browser on my PC???? 😡 😡

  • Kdegner1984 Coryde (@Kdegner1984) a signalé

    @Investor_35 @TDAmeritrade That’s not the issue here even. Plus I tried at .85 per share and it still wouldn’t do it $hcmc

  • 0001_Trader 🚀🚀 0001 TRADER 🚀🚀 (@0001_Trader) a signalé

    @PennytoDollaz Switch over to @Etrade and you won't have a problem! They do not have any restriction on what #OTC stocks you can buy or sell! You can also buy/sell any amount of shares you want on one order! You don't have to split it up like @TDAmeritrade which is a joke! #HCMCToDaMoon $HCMC

  • RobBerr52189008 Rob Berry (@RobBerr52189008) a signalé

    @TheTeacherBlog They are rejecting them now! Wtf @TDAmeritrade you’re fired

  • InstructorDlm Instructor_DLM 🇩🇴🇷🇴🇺🇸 (@InstructorDlm) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade Switch to E*TRADE. Haven’t had any problems with restrictions.

  • CocoPenel Coco Penel (@CocoPenel) a signalé

    @SEC_Enforcement From @TDAmeritrade 1/2 “Beginning yesterday, market destinations that TD Ameritrade work with were not accepting orders for HCMC due to risks with OTC issues. Future trading with this symbol is unknown...

  • ReportingOTC PENNYSTOCKS (@ReportingOTC) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade every tick this goes up your costing traders money this is not a Free Market $HCMC if this goes down for those who cannot seal then you stole money from the PUBLIC this is one of the biggest SCAM of the 21st Century.

  • CocoPenel Coco Penel (@CocoPenel) a signalé

    @SEC_Enforcement @FINRA @TDAmeritrade cancelled several orders. People can NOT buy $HCMC. Please check Ameritrade and help us. #FRAUD. $HCMC had 23Billion vol but at 9:50am it hit 0.00018 and never moved again.

  • Kdegner1984 Coryde (@Kdegner1984) a signalé

    @Investor_35 @TDAmeritrade Wtf are u talking about? $hcmc

  • srcbrain Brooce (@srcbrain) a signalé

    @TicTocTick With some help from @TDAmeritrade, system cannot handle any volume 💩

  • Vinnyd831 Vinny dallego (@Vinnyd831) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade why do I keep getting a margin call on my account. It goes away and comes back on repeatedly. Are you guys having a glitch in your system? Please fix.

  • Underrated_Dom Dominique Hamilton (@Underrated_Dom) a signalé

    @Kdegner1984 @TDAmeritrade Damn if so, Sell everything when I can and fresh start.

  • bigblue8 CharlesThompson (@bigblue8) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade I’ve been a customer for years. Your institution not allowing for trading of stocks you deem volatile is wrong. You and others are systematically helping the hedge funds recover their losses. Where are you for the retail investor when this happens to us. Appalling.

  • LBBoatFixerGuy jeff barrus (@LBBoatFixerGuy) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade @Curalinerose Thats complete crap you lie TD.... iive spent hours on the phone and on hold and you lied and said we would be able to at least sell every order is rejected still....worst service ever!!

  • adennings AngeloDennings (@adennings) a signalé

    @SEC_Enforcement it is beyond sickening watching how platforms @TDAmeritrade limiting buying stocks by retail while instit is allowed to sell and walk down pps to allow them to cover their shorts. Ray Charles is dead and blind and see what’s going on. Do your job ALLOW TRADING

  • akaddict1026 J Fausel (@akaddict1026) a signalé

    @jimcramer Any thoughts on the HCMC buzz, and @TDAmeritrade not allowing buying, setting sell limits, or possibly exiting of stock holders positions? Citing "Clearinghouse Issues"

  • ClearForesight Michael Anthony (@ClearForesight) a signalé

    @JNy469 @TDAmeritrade It’s not a Crash. They are purposely down so we can’t make moves in real time. People with certain stocks can’t even sell them to get their money. Corruption right now is crazy.

  • DK53901514 DK (@DK53901514) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade 40 min wait time on the phone at 8:33 am? Wow..get more help.

  • KathleenSR1952 Moon Child 🌙🐱🦋 (@KathleenSR1952) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade No amount of authenticating or changing my password is allowing me into my account on the desktop site this morning. Hour and a half hold time to call for help. What’s going on???

  • yrafaelov yosef rafaelov (@yrafaelov) a signalé

    @aspxcsgo @TDAmeritrade I got the same problem they suck!

  • fc19681 Frank Carvajal (@fc19681) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade I downloaded your app to experience the OTC market it doesn't make clear that there's a $6.95 fee per trade so basically I lost 40just playing around with this with called into technical support and their solution was download a different app so it explains the fees

  • nolan_nate Nate Nolan (@nolan_nate) a signalé

    @TDAmeritrade TD. Not sure how you can use the excuse the MMs shutting down HCMC. I initially bought this on 1/5/21. Now you won't let us(the people to continue buy). Market manipulation at its finest. #lawsuitbrewing Find new Mms, as Schwab, Fidelity, and Etrade are allowed to